12-day Multigrade and English Training for Primary School Teachers (PST)

PITE Balochistan implemented training on Multigrade and English for primary school teachers in collaboration with the Government of Canada under the DFEC (Debt for Education Conversion) project through the Government of Balochistan Secondary Education Department in 19 districts

KharanKilla SaifullahSurabWashuk
BarkhanKilla AbdullahKohluNushki
Dera BugtiDukiHarnaiSherani
Jhal MagsiKachhiSohbat Pur

The training was successfully executed in 38 training venues from 7th December 2020 to 17th January 2021 in which 1,137 teachers (586 males and 551 females) were trained. Based on pre and post-training evaluation, the trainees improved 49% which is evidence of the successfulness and relevancy of the training. Faculty from PITE Balochistan and other organizations performed their job as master trainers. Sound follow-up mechanisms can ensure the implementation of the training at the grassroots level.

12-day Content-based Training for Middle School Teachers (MST)

Training on Pedagogy, English, and Mathematics for middle school teachers was implemented by PITE Balochistan in collaboration with the Government of Canada under the DFEC (Debt for Education Conversion) project through the Government of Balochistan Secondary Education Department in 15 districts

KalatLoralaiQuettaMusa Khel

       The 12-day Content-based Training for Middle School Teachers was successfully executed in 30 venues from 7th December 2020 to 23rd January 2021 in which 888 teachers (447 males and 441 females) were trained. Based on pre and post-evaluation, the trainees improved 55% during the training which signifies that the training remained effective and successful. Faculty from PITE Balochistan and other organizations performed their job as master trainers. Replication of the training’s learning in schools needs a systematic follow-up mechanism for fulfilling the dream of quality education. 

All Districts Chart of Trained Cluster Heads on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Till 31-07-2020

Training Activities

Training Executed by PITE Balochistan in 2019

ProgramsSupported byDistrictsDaysTotal Teachers TrainedMaleFemaleRemarks
ALP Teacher TrainingBRSP070634331330Pedagogy and Content-based Training on Package A
Best Teaching Practices & Child Safeguarding TrainingMercy Corps0101347143204Pedagogy-based Training
SST ScienceSecondary Education111233626175Content-based Training
Multi-Grade Trainings for Primary School TeachersSecondary Education1612959480479Multigrade Teaching Training
Training of Trainers for District Master Trainers of CPD PITESecondary Education1512371819Pedagogy and Content-based Training
ALP Teacher TrainingUNICEF130638929297Pedagogy and Content-based Training on Packages A & B
AREP Teacher TrainingSCSPEB & UNHCR115886325Pedagogy and Content-based Training on Pakistani Curriculum
ECE & Primary School Teacher TrainingUNICEF & European Union11121483787696Pedagogy and Content-based Training
Middle School Teacher TrainingUNICEF & European Union1112631324307Pedagogy and Content-based Training
Head Teacher TrainingUNICEF & European Union070622013090Educational Leadership & Management