- Conducive Learning Environment
- Effective Teaching Methodologies
- Lesson Planning
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Balochistan Child Protection Act 2016
- Corporal Punishment and its Effects

PITE Balochistan implemented the project of “Programme for Retention, Enrollment, and Protection” which consisted of two phases. In phase 1, Four-day Teacher Training on Best Teaching Practices and Child Safeguarding and in phase 2, Three-day Teacher Training on Child Rights and Protection were executed for the focused schools’ teachers of district Quetta. The main purpose of the initiative was to enable Afghan refugees and host community children and adolescents to have safe and equitable access to formal schooling and have the support, knowledge, and skills to cope with safety and psycho-social issues affecting their lives. Training materials were developed and Training of Trainers (TOT) was conducted to orient the deputed master trainers to the content of the training. The trainees were trained on the emerging trends to ensure professionally the rights, safety and protection of the children in their institutions. The training was supported by Mercy Corps Pakistan.
S.No | Training Program | Hours |
1 | 1 Four-day Teacher Training on Best Teaching Practices and Child Safeguarding | 28 |
2 | 2 Three-day Teacher Training on Child Rights and Protection | 15 |