Successfully Completion of 12-Day PST & MST Training

This month marked the end of our programs, 12-day Multigrade & English Training for “Primary School Teachers”, and 12-day content-based training for “Middle School Teachers”. Which was organized by the provincial Institute for Teacher Education (PITE) with the collaboration of the Canadian Government, under the supervision of honorable director PITE Mr. Ijaz Azeem Baloch, in all 33 districts of Balochistan successfully. Where 2040 teachers (PSTs and MSTs) has been trained by well experienced and experts of Master Trainers of PITE who worked really hard to achieve the target effectively and efficiently set by SED, Government of Balochistan in collaboration with Government of Canada.

Honorable Secretary Secondary Education Balochistan, Mr. Sher Khan Bazai took an interest personally and monitored the whole program keenly, and visited various districts such as Kachhi, Panjgur, Kech, Gawadar, and Lasbela. He appreciated the whole program and congratulated the worthy director PITE & his faculty for their unhackneyed hard work, enthusiasm, and sincerity.